Gluten free tomato paste is mainly sold by reputable sellers through in-person and out-of-person stores. This product is made without gluten and is completely suitable for people with special allergies. If you are one of the major buyers of tomatoes in Iran and you want to buy bulk dried tomatoes, our experts will help you to easily and without intermediaries to be able to buy dried tomatoes in bulk at a wholesale purchase price.
How to Make Gluten Free Tomato Paste
To make great tomato paste, first wash the tomatoes and put them in a strainer to drain the excess water, then cut all the tomatoes in half with a knife and put them in a large pot. When all the tomatoes are half full, put the pot on the heat and wait for the tomato water to come out and boil. This way, the skin of the tomatoes will peel off very easily. Of course, we still allow the tomatoes to boil until slightly soft.
After the tomatoes are soft, put the wire mesh with very small holes in the pot or large container and turn off the bottom of the pot. Pour the tomatoes little by little or at once into the net and press the tomatoes on the net so that the skin and seeds inside the tomatoes can be easily separated and the tomato juice in a pot or container. When all the tomatoes have passed through the grill, put the pot on the heat and wait for the tomato juice to boil.
After the tomato juice thickens a little and starts to swell, add salt and stir. To find out if it has reached a sufficient concentration for the tomato paste, the best and easiest thing to do is draw a line on the paste with a spoon. If it takes time for the gap to fill, it means that the tomato paste has reached the concentration and you should be very careful about the tomato paste, and if the gap fills quickly, you should still wait and give time for it to thicken. If the paste is loose We take causes It molds quickly, so wait for it to thicken. Finally, we add oil to it and stir.
Sale of Gluten Free Tomato Paste
You can prepare healthy tomato paste through our store with the help and support of consultants. These tomato pastes are prepared with full quality and technology so that you can enjoy the taste and the final result. The tomatoes used in the preparation of gluten-free pastes in our store are completely hand-picked and of high quality, so that you can benefit from having a fragrant and tasty tomato paste. For more information and to order, contact the following numbers.
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