Tomato paste is one of the most delicious condiments for any food. This product is used to make more and more types of hot and cold foods more palatable. There are packages with different weights, the 800 gram package of which has been the focus of our discussion. In this article, the characteristics of different types of tomato paste and the following items are considered: tomato paste properties, tomato paste durability, tomato paste wholesalers as well as tomato paste 800g.
What Are the Properties of Tomato Paste 800g?
Tomato paste is a very popular and widely used condiment. This product is produced and marketed in multi-walled aluminum cans, glass bottles and plastic bottles.
Its volume and weight also varies from 500 grams to 2 kg. The color of tomato paste also varies from factory to factory due to its composition as well as the type of tomato used in its production.
However, the features and characteristics that are common to most tomato pastes are:
1. They have a soft texture and do not contain tomato juice.
2. Their concentration is such that there is no moisture in the paste tissue,
3. Their color varies from light red to slightly dark red, depending on the type of tomato.
4. They mold in contact with water or any kind of moisture,
5. It rarely tastes sweet, even if the tomatoes are not salty.
It is notable that regarding the nutritional value of tomato paste, it should be said that this product has many properties and its use is usually recommended to prevent constipation and improve gastrointestinal function.
In order for the intestines to work more smoothly and more easily and for people not to suffer from constipation, tomato paste can usually be consumed raw one tablespoon a day before or after a meal.
It should be noted that the quality of tomato paste, its properties and its physical and physical characteristics are somewhat interdependent. In fact, the higher the packaging quality of this product, the greater its taste and nutritional value.
The Durability of Tomato Paste
The durability of tomato paste depends on the expiration date and how it is cared for and used. This is because tomato paste of any kind is sensitive to moisture.
In other words, if a wet or damp spoon enters the container containing the paste, the paste will become moldy after 24 hours.
In addition, the date of manufacture and expiration is very important. Therefore when preparing this product, these two things must be considered.
In addition, after opening the lid containing the tomato paste, this container must be kept in the refrigerator; otherwise, the concentration of the paste will be lost and the original texture and quality will be lost and as a result, it will no longer be usable.
In addition to all the above, it should be said that tomato paste should be stored in the refrigerator under any circumstances. It can only be kept out of the refrigerator when the lid of the main compartment has not been opened and no amount of paste has been consumed.
Keeping this product in the refrigerator not only protects it from mold, but also makes it last longer in a cool, dry and clean place which is also hygienic.
The Supplier of Tomato Paste in Bulk
Tomato paste suppliers are the centers that provide this product in large volumes and in large numbers to chain stores and supermarkets.
These centers usually offer different types of this product, which belong to various factories and manufacturers, at below market prices.
One of the centers that provides the best tomato paste with the highest quality and lowest price is the store whose website you are currently visiting.
This center is one of the most reputable and best-selling centers for supplying large amounts of tomato paste. In fact, it supplies this product in bulk at the lowest prices.
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